
We can provide a complete rigging package which includes: site surveys, preliminary drawings, planning and on-site supervision, provision of equipment which our site manager checks before it is erected and rigging personnel to supervise and carry out the job.

Ground Support

We offer pre-assembled modular ground supports that combine structural soundness with a simple, elegant design.

Custom Shape

Do you have a great idea you want to realise? We can accommodate your needs for trade show displays, exhibition systems and events, like the Transformers: Age of Ultron launch shown here, or any truss shape you may desire. Please contact our office to discuss your requirements.


Creative Lighting & Audio will suspend your decorations or display securely. Our selection of rigging equipment includes a full range of tri truss, box truss, chain blocks, span sets, slings, girder clamps, push-up, winch-up stands, gripple wire and more.


Whatever your outdoor event we can provide the solution… from rigging large banners, erecting signage, lighting towers, speakers or screens. We can also produce designs, provide an engineering report and complete the structure build to sign-off by a structural engineer.

Contact Us

p +61 2 9666 8385
m 0412 924 900
e mail@claa.com.au